Using Gravatar to build traffic

Earlier today a very kind soul, Pedantry (whom I had not met before), advised me that my gravatar had not been set up properly, and that this would prevent potential new friends from accessing my site if, say, they happened upon a comment of mine on another page and felt like paying me a visit. I did not even know that I had a gravatar. Pedantry has generously written a post explaining how to correct this oversight, which I am reblogging here in the hope of spreading the word.


Gravatar logoThis short wibblette is intended for newcomers to WordPress; my aim is to show you how to set up Gravatar to help you build traffic to your site.

First of all: what is ‘Gravatar’?

A Gravatar image This is what my Gravatar looks like

An ‘avatar’ is an image that represents you online — a little picture that appears next to your name when you interact with websites.

A ‘Gravatar’ is a Globally Recognized Avatar. You upload it and create your profile just once, and then when you participate in any Gravatar-enabled site, your Gravatar image will automatically follow you there. Gravatar is a free service which is automatically included in every account.

Why should I care?

When you visit a site and ‘like’ an article, or leave a comment, your Gravatar remains behind on the page. Other visitors can click on it to find out about you… and…

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